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I have to admit; the title may seem too much. To clarify, we are not going to talk about the fire-breathing dragons, but Komodo dragons, the largest lizards to live on our planet. Rather than dragons, they are more close to being called dinosaurs. In fact, researchers believe that Komodo dragons (Varanus Komodoensis) are relatives to the ancient dinosaurs (Allosaurus and Giganotosaurus).

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When you decide to do diving, you do not need to rent an expensive package of diving equipment. But if you do not have any diving equipment, you can rent it for the whole package, particularly if it is your first time diving and you still don’t have any dive log. You should look for a dive center which has good condition of equipment, and other essential thing for you to be able to learn and en…

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Are you planning to visit Komodo, but having a hard time to find the affordable, comfortable and safe way to get there? There are some options to get to Komodo Island from Bali, the most known place in Indonesia.

If you are backpacking to Indonesia, then spending three or more days in Flores should be on your list. Its location on the most east part of Indonesia makes it as a fantastic p…

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Komodo National Park is a tropical area with two seasons, wet and dry. However, dry season has a much longer period than wet season. A long period of the dry season and extremely high temperature formed a large savanna which perfect for Komodo to live. If you have a plan to visit this Island, you need to know when the best time to visit Komodo Island. Going from April to December could be the …

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Not only a place for ‘hunting’ the dragon, but these top 10 Komodo Island attractions mentioned below will also drop your jaw and make you repeatedly say WOW. Visiting the East part of Indonesian archipelago will be one of the greatest experiences you’ve ever encountered. If you have planned to step your foot on this East Nusa Tenggara island, do not let your ‘places-to-go’ list has too much sp…